Life Hacks from Smart People
One of my favorite things about this project has been interviewing people. I go in with the goal of finding out what’s universally awesome about travel (and conversely, the things that suck about it). But what I usually leave with are the little tips and tricks people use to get the most out of their experiences, and inadvertently, life.
In a new series, Life Hacks from Smart People, I’ll be introducing you to some of exceptionally interesting souls I’ve met– people who go out of their ways to make life work for them. Not the other way around.
Doctor/ Entrepreneur/ Break Dancer/ Travel Hacker
My first chat is with Calvin Sun, an ER doctor who’s gone to 60+ countries in the last four years without missing a day of med school. Through a group he founded, Monsoon Dairies, he’s led treks to Antarctica, Iran,North Korea, and a bunch of other places that would both delight and freak your mom out. Stay tuned for the full interview where he’ll be going over everything from getting jailed in Ukraine, to break dancing, to running a business, to how doctors throw the best parties.
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