
A short list of books, blogs and podcasts I like and recommend, especially if you’re looking for some unconventional wisdom or feeling a little stuck.


Thinking and Learning how to Learn

  • writes about writing and clear thinking. He deconstructs how things work and life-ing. #thinking #learning #mentalmodels #feelingstuck #blog


I’m a passion projects and side hustles.

  • Channing Allen is the co-founder of Indie Hackers. #entrepreneurship #lifestyle

  • Courtland Allen is the co-founder of Indie Hackers and tweets about building online businesses to make your life better.

Remote Lifestyle

  • Nomadlist is a paid community that helps you finds you the best places in the world to live, work and travel as a remote worker. I also find the story of how the founder, Pieter Levels, grew this into $33,000/mo business to be fascinating.

Building wealth (for creative folks)

Wealth to me is not about accumulating a lot of material things or status. It’s about creating a lifestyle that pays you with choice and freedom.


Real Estate

  • Bigger Pockets is a podcast about investing in real estate. Great for beginners all the way up to experienced folks. This thread in particular is about nomads who invest in real estate.

  • If you’re curious if there are nomads who invest in real estate, here’s a thread about just that.

  • Nomad Investing Model

  • Zeona Mcintyre lives in Boulder, CO half of the year managing/ airbnb-ing hers and others’ Airbnb’s and spends the other time traveling the world. She shares her experience in her blog and podcasts.