A short list of books, blogs and podcasts I like and recommend, especially if you’re looking for some unconventional wisdom or feeling a little stuck.
Thinking and Learning how to Learn writes about writing and clear thinking. He deconstructs how things work and life-ing. #thinking #learning #mentalmodels #feelingstuck #blog
I’m a passion projects and side hustles.
Channing Allen is the co-founder of Indie Hackers. #entrepreneurship #lifestyle
Courtland Allen is the co-founder of Indie Hackers and tweets about building online businesses to make your life better.
Remote Lifestyle
Nomadlist is a paid community that helps you finds you the best places in the world to live, work and travel as a remote worker. I also find the story of how the founder, Pieter Levels, grew this into $33,000/mo business to be fascinating.
Building wealth (for creative folks)
Wealth to me is not about accumulating a lot of material things or status. It’s about creating a lifestyle that pays you with choice and freedom.
Nomad Investor writes about investing while traveling and exploring the world.
Nomad Capitalist helps entrepreneurs legally pay less in taxes, life a while traveling and living anywhere in the world. I especially like their articles on lifestyle and philosophy.
Financial Samurai is an ex-finance who who writes about passive investment.
Real Estate
Bigger Pockets is a podcast about investing in real estate. Great for beginners all the way up to experienced folks. This thread in particular is about nomads who invest in real estate.
If you’re curious if there are nomads who invest in real estate, here’s a thread about just that.
Zeona Mcintyre lives in Boulder, CO half of the year managing/ airbnb-ing hers and others’ Airbnb’s and spends the other time traveling the world. She shares her experience in her blog and podcasts.