Join me for the ride


Four years ago, I left my first job. It scared the bejesus out of me. I had begrudgingly come to terms with the fact that a comfortable position and mingling with people just like me, was not helping me grow.

I made a mental list of all the things that I was familiar with: a steady paycheck, bosses that I actually liked, an exceptional social life (oh, the mayhem of having bartenders as roommates), and family and friends within arm’s reach. I quite literally lived in a playground of comfort and convenience, growing up, going to school, and living in and around New York City. So I crumpled up my list and dared myself to throw it out.

I looked for the continent I had the least knowledge of, found a country I’d never considered, and shortly after my 26th birthday, I left for Tanzania on a one-way ticket. Six months and 14 countries later, I’d seen, done, challenged, loved, feared, and learned more than I ever had in all twenty-six years of my life. The world had shown me something amazing, and I knew that experience was something I needed to share.

Four years later, I have left my job again. This time, it’s been prompted by the realization that it’s time to act. What exactly makes independent travel so beneficial? In the next few months, I’ll be ideating on how I might be able to share what I learned from traveling with other people. I call it Life Curriculum: important-shit-you-need-that-college-and-cubicles-don’t-teach-you.

So I’m asking for you to follow along with your thoughts and honest feedback. At the very least, I hope my stories, fuck-ups, unexpected learnings, and occasional bits of wisdom, will bring some sort of benefit to you. I have no idea what the final destination will look like, but I’m excited to share my process. Thanks for joining me on the points in between.

jenn litravel, life, learning