In 2014...

Jennifer Li Travel Map&Move.jpg

I left my job (again). But this time, with more purpose and less fear.

I finally took grasp of an idea that was four years in the making and tried to do something about it []. Even if it meant taking small, humble steps, instead of big, bold leaps.

I filled and retired my old passport for a new book of adventures. But what I realized was that some of the most worthwhile trips were right under my nose in the US.

I learned that I could blog about the most epic places and post the beautiful pictures, but unless I shared the stories behind them in a meaningful way, I would be hoarding them like selfish, little secrets.

I realized that what I want to be remembered for, is not just as someone who was constantly checking things off her own bucket list, but that perhaps in my own way, I could help people check off some of theirs.

I look forward to you, #2015. Because there’s no time to look back and regret.

- thepointsinbetween

jenn li2014, newyear, 2015, lookingforward