Antelope Canyon


Getting overtaken by Antelope Canyon

Hello 2015! At the end of last year, I did a quick detour back home to catch family and friends for the holiday. But as soon as 2015 rolled around, I decided to start where I left off: in Phoenix. I booked a last minute flight from New York, grabbed a last minute companion (Calvin of the Monsoon Diaries), posted up a few messages on to probe interest in a roadtrip, and BAM! My first trip of 2015 was organized.

After a tumultuous flight, a few mix-ups, and plenty of back-and-forth messages, Calvin and I landed at 3am and met Milan, a Couchsurfer who had asked to join our trip the day before. We picked up Madden, Milan’s friend, and Iggy. a 19-year-old Aussie who become the final leg of our entourage at the last minute.

After an hour of sleep and fueling up on Milan’s homemade stew, we headed to northern Arizona to let ourselves get overtaken by one of the most jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, heart-palpitating pieces of nature I’ve ever seen: Antelope Canyon.