Galvanizing a Global Community of Makers


Visual Design, UI/UX Design, Email Marketing

As the industry leader in 3D Printing, I was was tasked with making the exciting, but making the tech-centric branding of MakerBot as user imaginative and user friendly as possible.



We had to appeal to our core demographic of 3D printing evangelists while sparking the imagination of the everyday, non-technical consumer.


A new look and feel was created to capture the possibilities of 3D printing, along with revamped UI/UX to make it easy to navigate complex products.


Our new rebranding and email marketing campaigns extended to new products like the Zee Blank, a 3D printed figurine that we sent out to 50 different local artists to customize and display at the in-store launch.



The goal for the visual rebranding of our site was to educate our audience on our products and highlight the possibilities of 3D printing.


We used emails to educate our audience and highlight the possibilities of 3D printing.

We used emails to educate our audience and highlight the possibilities of 3D printing.


• 32% increase to site traffic

• Average of 9% increase in email click rates

• Highly anticipated product launches of Makerbot’s first high-end printer, home consumer product, and the popular Replicator line