I quit my job and I’m going to Africa


I quit my job today.

I wish I could say it was like a scene from Office Space, where I shouted obscenities before hurling a printer against the wall. It would've made things much easier. Unfortunately, my bosses rock, my co-workers are actual friends, everyday at work feels like a scene from "Hanging with Mr. Cooper." I totally lucked out. And that seems like the pitfall for many of us: misconstruing security for wellbeing, comfort for happiness, and mistaking mediocracy for the best we can do. We use every excuse in the book to NOT do the things we imagined ourselves doing as kids.

So what madness would drive me to give all this up, you ask?

The answer is this bit of wisdom from Mark Twain: “twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do…” So that said, I’m quitting my job and booking my flight… first stop… Kenya.

Jennifer Y Li Travel Africa_map.jpg
jenn liAfrica, no regrets, career, job