Finding yourself in Salt Lake City
864 miles later, we reached Salt Lake City, Utah at midnight. We were greeted by Justin, a Couchsurfer whom I had contacted that morning. He welcomed Derik and me with bourbon, a trip to a local Mexican joint for late night burritos and an open room in his cozy apartment.
Most of town was closed the next morning for Sunday services but Justin took us on a tour of Temple Square. The Temple and tabernacle were glorious architectural feats, but what I loved most was Justin’s story about growing up in a pious household before transitioning to a coffee drinking, bourbon loving, sometimes cussing, self-described “recovering Mormon.” What he reminded me of was this: that the pursuit of personal happiness does not always come easy.
For Justin, that meant objectively questioning a faith that he had known his whole life. For someone else, it might mean coming to terms with an unfulfilling career, a dead end relationship, or the fact that you put way too much bad shit in your body (see below). Whatever it is, the common denominator is mustering the guts to be completely honest with yourself, the people around you. And sometimes that means having to take two steps back, before propelling ourselves forward.
Justin saw Derik and me off, but not without first finding us a place to stay at our next destination in Butte, Montana and fixing me up with a box of Banbury Cross Donuts and a thermos of freshly ground coffee. I waved good-bye to SLC with my box of happiness and a newly earned nickname: Homer Simpson. #Noshame.
Justin’s Recommendations for SLC:
Ensign Park for views for Salt Lake City, Sunday choir at the Tabernacle, Banbury Cross Donuts, Spitz Doner, Bear Lake Shakes, Crown Burger for Pastrami Burger, Funeral Potatoes