Jennifer Yin Li
Jennifer Yin Li
I’m a certified high flow coach, community strategy consultant, and advisor.

I help leaders and entrepreneurs master their emotions for better productivity, less stress, and deeper relationships.

Jennifer Yin Li Creative Mindful Conscious Coach Think.jpg

[to Those who choose to live with Intention]

People who live with intention are purposeful about how they use their time, resources, and energy. Even though society has conditioned them to act and believe differently, they still dare to ask the hard questions:

  • “What are my values?”

  • “How do I want to live?”

  • “Who do I want to create and build with?”

  • “Where should I focus my effort?”

They have a long-term perspective, fully aware that both time and health are limited. Rather than reacting impulsively to daily pressures, they focus on proactive, purpose-driven actions. 

They value curiosity, authenticity, and growth over perfection. Because they know that this way of working and living frees them up to worry less about other peoples’ opinions and to focus on the things that matter.

And from here they know that real productivity and flow happens—where they’re so aligned with what they’re doing that everything feels less forced and more natural. 

They know they won’t always get it right, but they are committed to trying and learning. They understand that asking for support is part of the process. 

At the end of the day, they know they’ll be more equipped to show up for their families, communities and the legacies they want to leave behind.

I’m a certified high flow coach to leaders and entrepreneurs.

I teach through the lens of research-based emotional intelligence training, the science of flow states, and the wisdom of eastern wellness and philosophy. Before this, I led creative and community strategy in tech for 10+ years while working on side hustles and traveling the world. More about me here.

Jenn's energy is calming, without judgment, and only with / love. After coaching with her I knew what was blocking me: my narrative that said I didn't deserve it. I'm shifting to a loving language that will inspire me and provide greater hope when I need it most.

—Mike Kim, Founder, Some Neat Place


1-on-1 mentorship | Corporate Workshops | Consulting | Speaking

  • helping leaders and entrepreneurs from burnout

  • Focus on helping ERG’

  • Helping heath, wellness and conscious brands grow their communities


Monthly hugs for your heart and brain.

I collect ideas and tips on all things related to mindfulness, spirituality, creativity, psychology, and wellness science—and send them to friends every few weeks.